Tag Archives: English Literature

Protected: Teacher’s material: Tristan and Isolde

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Bai mundu berria

bai mundo berriaaldous-huxley

  • Nº de páginas: 288 págs.hizkuntza
  • Autor: A. Huxley
  • Editoral: ELKARLANEAN S.L.
  • Lengua: EUSKERA
  • ISBN: 9788483319451

Bai mundu berria (ingelesez Brave New World1932an idatzia, Aldous Huxley idazlearen lehen nobela distopikoa da. XXVI. mendeko Londresen kokatuta, ugalketa teknologien, eugenesiaren eta ametsetan ikastearen (hipnopedia) garapena aurreikusten du, gizartea aldatzeko konbinatzen direnak. Deskribatzen duen munduan utopia ironiko bat izan daiteke: gizadiak ez du kezkarik, osasuntsua eta teknologikoki garatua da. Gerra eta pobrezia ezabatuak izan dira eta denak zoriontsu dira. Baina hau beste hainbat gauza ezabatuta lortu da: familia, aniztasun kulturala, artea, literatura, zientzia, erlijioa eta filosofia. Gizarte hedonista da gainera, drogen eta sexu promiskuoaren plazerekin itsututa.

Gaztelaniako sarreran duzuen irakurtzeko gida lagungarria izango da

Protected: Teacher’s material: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

dr jekyll


Mystery & horror

Through the narratives of Mr Enfield, Mr Utterson, Dr Lanyon and Poole, Jekyll’s butler, the mystery of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is revealed: Dr Jekyll, an eminent scientist, has discovered a drug which changes him into the embodiment of his evil impulses. Which side of Jekyll, the good or the evil, will triumph?

London and Crime
The ‘Double’ in 19th-century Fiction

ISBN/EAN: 9788468208848
Núm. páginas: 96 + CD
Tamaño: 14,8 X 21
Autor(es): R. L. Stevenson

Teacher’s material

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The-picture-of-Dorian-GrayOSCAR WILDEOSCAR WILDE

  • Genre: Classic Fiction
  • Level: Medium
  • Words: 600-900 Headwords
  • Publisher: Burlington Books
  • ISBN: 978-9963-47-316-8

In the summer of 1870, an artist, Basil Hallward, is finishing the portrait of his friend, Dorian Gray. Dorian is young, handsome and innocent, and he is delighted with his beautiful portrait. But when Dorian meets cynical Lord Henry Wotton, things start to go wrong for him. Under Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian’s life becomes wild and wicked and the portrait starts to reflect these changes taking place in his personality. This story is one of Oscar Wilde’s best-known works.

Audio chapter by chapter

Teacher’s material


Moby Dick

moby dickHERMAN MELVILLEherman melville

Burlington Books

Genre: Classic Fiction
Level: Difficult
Words: 900-1,300 Headwords

This classic adventure story takes us on a voyage, in which young Ishmael joins the crew of the as they venture out to sea in search of the great white whale, Moby Dick. Ahab, the captain of the whaling ship, lost his leg to the formidable whale in a battle. Now, he’s thirsty for revenge and his mission is to kill Moby Dick, but this is not an easy task.

Student’s Website material: audio chapter by chapter, activities, cross curricular focus.

Teacher’s material



 Many films have been made based on this American classic. Do you know them?

This is the trailer of the last one. What do you think about it?

Phillis Wheatley

Portrait of Phillis Wheatley (1761-1792): African-born Colonial American former slave, child prodigy, translator and poet. Portrait attributed to Scipio Moorhead (S. M.) c.1770s

Phillis Wheatley (c. 1753 – December 5, 1784) was the first published African-American woman and second published African-American poet. 

She was born in West Africa, most likely in present-day Gambia or Senegal. When she was seven, she was sold into slavery and transported to North America. The Wheatley family of Boston purchased her and taught her to read and write. They encouraged her to write poetry when they saw her talent.

Her poems brought her fame both in England and the American colonies. She was emancipated after the death of her master John Wheatley. She married soon after but she fell into poverty and died of illness.

Find information about the painter (Scipio Moorhead) and write a short biography similar to this of Phillis Wheatly.

Who was the first African-American poet?

Have you ever read English poetry? Find a poem of Phillis and try to say what the main idea of the poem is.

Epiphany in UK

Epiphany, or Twelfth Night, marks the end of the Christmas. (See more)

In the Church of England, the eve of the feast used to be celebrated as Twelfth Night because it was the twelfth night after Chritmas. The Monday after Epiphany is known as Plough Monday.

What do they celebrate on that day?

Did you know Shakespeare wrote a play tittled Twelfth Night?

Malvolio courts a bemused Olivia, while Maria covers her amusement, in an engraving by R. Staines after a painting by Daniel Maclise.

Malvolio courts a bemused Olivia, while Maria covers her amusement, in an engraving by R. Staines after a painting by Daniel Maclise.



0582417945Emma – Penguin Readers – Level 4
ISBN: 0582417945
Número de páginas: 80
Autor: Austen, Jane;
Editorial: Penguin Readers

Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She loves “matchmaking” – arranging marriages between her friends and neighbours in the village of Highbury. However, she often creates more heartache than happiness – and what about her own chance of love …? Jane Austen (1775-1817) is still one of the worlds favourite authors and her delightful stories have been enjoyed by generations of readers. Emma was made into a film in 1997 starring Gwyneth Paltrow.

Activity Worksheet EMMA

Teacher’s material EMMA

The legend of Sleepy Hollow

thel egend of sleepy hollow

Washington Irving
ISBN: 978-9963-51-009-2
EAN: 9789963510092
Publisher: Burlington Books
Year: 2013
Language: English
Genre: Classic Fiction
Level: Easy
Words: 200-400 Headwords

Sleepy Hollow is a quiet, peaceful place near the Hudson River in the USA, but it is alive with stories about ghosts and witches. One night, the teacher in Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane, has a terrifying adventure with Sleepy Hollow’s most famous ghost, the Headless Horseman – with unexpected results. Everyone will enjoy this exciting story.

Audio and activities 

Teacher’s material

Disney has also done his own version of the story. Have a look at this video!! The film was done in 1949!!


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